Expert Activity

Learning outcomes-based curriculum design

2020-2021 Learning outcomes-based development of training and outcome requirements of 40 master craftsman programmes at EQF level 6 – Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – leading expert, curriculum designer, trainer, and responsible for a team of 80 experts.

2020 Learning outcomes-based qualification design of training and outcomes requirement of state recognized IVET and CVET qualifications (174 IVET qualifications at EQF level 4 and 5, and 400 CVET qualifications at EQF level 2-6) led by the Ministry for Innovation and Technology – leading expert, curriculum designer, trainer, and responsible for a team of 200 experts.

2018-2022 Learning outcomes-based curriculum design consultant for Siemens Energy, Hungary – development of a dual VET system in the engineering sector

2017-2021 Introduction of learning outcomes approach at the University of Szeged –curriculum designer, trainer. Learning Outcomes-based Training Development Team – project leader, train the trainers programmes for university teachers, 43 training groups, 550 participating teachers.


Adult learning

From 2020 Government Office of Pest County, adult education expert

2014-2020 Tempus Public Foundation, Erasmus+ Adult learning sector KA2 Strategic Partnerships, assessment and monitoring expert

2014-2018 Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – vocational training and adult education expert

2002-2016 Adult education expert of Ministry for National Economy (before: Social Affairs and Labour)

Vocational education and training

From 2020 Hungarian ReferNet National Consortium, member


2014-2018 Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, vocational training and adult education expert

2013-2015 Development of Hungarian National Qualification Framework, key expert

2014-2020 Tempus Public Foundation, Erasmus+ VET sector KA1 student mobility and KA2 Strategic Partnerships, assessment and monitoring expert

2012-2021 Member of the Hungarian National ECVET Network – ECVET expert

2012-2022 Teacher training programmes for VET teachers on the application of the learning outcomes approach in VET – training programme developer and trainer (nearly 100 training groups organized by the Tempus Public Foundation, Educational Authority, Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Vocational Training Centres)

2004-2010 Vocational training expert in the transformation of the structure and content of vocational training in the National Institute of Vocational and Adult Education.