Learning outcomes-based curriculum design in higher education
Farkas Éva (2018): Tanulási eredmény alapú tanterv- és tantárgyfejlesztés a felsőoktatásban (Learning outcomes-based curriculum design in higher education) SZTE JGYPK (University of Szeged Hungary) (Available in Hungarian)
The learning outcomes principle is systematically promoted in the EU policy agenda for education, training and employment. The learning outcomes approach binds together important European tools developed during the last decade and is increasingly influencing the definition and writing of qualifications and curricula as well as the orientation of assessment and teaching and training.
The 2017 EQF recommendation defines learning outcomes as ‘…statements of what an individual should know, understand and/or be able to do at the end of a learning process, which are defined in terms of knowledge, skills and responsibility and autonomy’.
The most recent revamping of the output criteria of higher education qualifications in line with the Hungarian Qualification Framework (HuQF) started in the summer of 2015. Underscoring the outcomes-based approach, the new education and outcome requirements give greater prominence to HuQF-linked learning outcomes in determining the qualification criteria of HE short-cycle and tertiary degrees. New learning outcomes-based requirements were introduced in higher education in September 2017.