Research and surveys

Hungarian research and surveys

PeriodTopic of the research/survey
2021-2022Application of the learning outcomes approach in teaching practice at the University of Szeged.
2013-2014Hungarian model for the assessment and validation of learning outcomes acquired in non-formal learning environment.
Zoltán Magyary Postdoctoral Research
Farkas Éva (2014). A rejtett tudás. A nem formális tanulási környezetben szerzett tanulási eredmények hitelesítése. (The hidden knowledge. Validation of learning outcomes acquired in non-formal learning context). SZTE JGYPK FI.
2012-2013Hungary – Romania Cross-border Programme - Establishing a Vocational and Adult Education Knowledge Base and Consulting Centre in the Southern Great Plain Region.
2011-2013Transformation of the structure and content of adult education in Hungary after 1989.
Hungarian Academy of Sciences János Bolyai Research Fellowship
Farkas Éva (2013). A láthatatlan szakma. Tények és tendenciák a felnőttképzés 25 évéről (Invisible profession. Facts and tendencies about 25 years of adult training in Hungary). TypiArt Médiaműhely.
2011-2012Characteristics of accredited adult education institutions in Hungary. National research among the accredited adult education institutions (1488 institutions).
Farkas Éva – Farkas Erika – Hangya Dóra – Kovács Anett Kulcsár Nárcisz – Leszkó Hajnalka (2012). Az akkreditált felnőttképzési intézmények működési jellemzői (Characteristics of accredited adult learning institutions).
2011Student satisfaction survey commissioned by the Student Services Office of the University of Szeged (sample of 3638 students)
Éva Farkas (2011). Characteristics of the Student Services Office in the light of student opinions.

2010-2011Characteristics of accredited adult education institution in the Southern Great Plain region.
Farkas Éva – Farkas Erika – Hangya Dóra – Leszkó Hajnalka (2011): A Dél-alföldi régió akkreditált felnőttképzési intézményeinek működési jellemzői. (Characteristics of accredited adult education institution in the Southern Great Plain region) SZTE JGYPK FI

2008-2009Skills development in higher vocational education to strengthen the link between education and the economy.
Client: The National Institute of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning
Farkas Éva - Prácser Tamás - Tombor Viktória - Szép Zsófia - Vámosi Tamás (2010). Felsőfokú szakképzés az oktatás és gazdaság szempontjából (Higher vocational education and training in the context of education and the economy). In: Benedek András (2010). A szakképzés és a felnőttképzés fejlesztése: Tények és tendenciák. Nemzeti Szakképzési és Felnőttképzési Intézet 173-191. p.
2008Efficient financing of vocational education and training.
OFA research.
2007Factors of effectiveness in adult education and learning.
Client: The National Institute of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning
2006The transformation of the structure and content of vocational education and training in Hungary after 1989, with a special focus on the ongoing reform of vocational education and training.
Client: The National Institute of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning
Farkas Éva (2008). Az iskolarendszerű szakképzés reformjának jellemzői az intézmények nézőpontjából I. (Characteristics of the reform of school-based vocational education and training from the perspective of the institutions I.) Szakképzési Szemle 24. 2. 123-161. p.


2005Survey on adult learning in higher education. Ministry of Education

International research and surveys

I was involved as a country expert for Hungary in 14 international research projects at the European level, implemented by CEDEFOP and the European Commission in the field of adult learning and vocational education and training.

PeriodTopic of the research/survey and client
2023- 2024

European Commission DG Reform: Development and implementation of the Individual Learning Accounts in Hungary “HUN-ILA”) REFORM/SC2022/159. AARC in association with Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini srl SB (FGB)

2021-2022European Commission: Study to support the Commission explorations for a possible EU initiative on Individual Learning Accounts
European Commission/Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini Srl SB


2019-2022CEDEFOP: Support and incentives to learning and carreers - Financial and non-financial incentives to encourage provision of and participation in education and training.
CEDEFOP/3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH
2019-2021CEDEFOP: Long-term cross-country mobility in apprenticeships.
CEDEFOP/ICF Consulting Services Limited


2016-2018CEDEFOP: ’Initial VET qualifications at EQF levels 3 and 4’
CEDEFOP/3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH


2016-2018CEDEFOP: Financing Apprenticeship – dual VET/007/16
CEDEFOP/3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH


2016-2018CEDEFOP: The Changing Nature and Role of Vocational Education and Training in Europe
CEDEFOP/3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH


2016-2018CEDEFOP: Study on Apprenticeships – A Cross-National Overview
CEDEFOP/3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH


2015-2016European Commission: Foreign language proficiency and employability EAC FWC 02/2010 lot 3 Order 25
European Commission/ICF Consulting Services Limited


2014-2015CEDEFOP: Financing Adult Learning
CEDEFOP/3s Research Laboratory


2014-2015European Commission DG Education: Study on the analysis of adult learning policies and their effectiveness in Europe
ICF Consulting Services Limited


2014-2015CEDEFOP: Qualification and CPD of In-company Trainers – European Trends and Challenges
2013-0103/AO/ECVL/IJE/In-company trainers’ professional development
CEDEFOP/3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH
2013-2014CEDEFOP: Teaching and learning methods in initial vocational education and training: European trends and challenges
AO/ECVL/IPS/Teaching methods in VET/015/2012
CEDEFOP/University of Warwick
2012-2013European Commission DG/Education and Culture Survey on financing the adult learning sector
Financing the Adult Learning Sector
DIE – FIBS EAC 2002-0073


2011-2012CEDEFOP: European policies and practices in designing and delivering outcome-oriented curricula in VET
Assessing Learning outcomes in VET