The Practice of Adult Education and Vocational Training in Hungary
Farkas É (2013). The Practice of Adult Education and Vocational Training in Hungary. SZTE JGYPK
Education and training are our society’s most important public concerns today, with a special emphasis on vocational training and adult education. The attention of the public is increasingly focused on educational questions in general and the conditions of education in particular. The topic of education has become a hot socio-political issue. All members of society are interested in the future of their own children; they want to know what educational institutions the young ones can enroll, what learning environments they will work in and, also, what teaching methods will be used by their teachers. The most decisive period of the learning process by now has shifted from childhood education to adult learning. Today the function of formal vocational schools is only to provide initial training and the first qualification. Adults, at different stages of their lives are to face the outdatedness of their formerly acquired knowledge and skills. As time passes the usefulness of formerly acquired knowledge in society has been rapidly diminishing. This is why the question of lifelong learning, continuing education and training and retraining programs have become of vital importance. It is worth being prepared for these changes, especially as it is a well known fact that education has become the most remunerative investment.