New PIAAC results show declining literacy and increasing inequality in many European countries

The OECD presented the results on 10th December 2024 and summarises the results as follows: „Over the past decade, average literacy proficiency improved only in Denmark and Finland, remaining stable or declining in all other participating countries and economies. Numeracy outcomes are more positive, with eight countries improving their scores, led by Finland and Singapore. Most of the countries and economies that experienced skill declines saw literacy and numeracy proficiency decrease across different age groups. Widespread educational expansion did not compensate for these trends, as proficiency among tertiary-educated graduates decreased or stagnated in most countries. These findings underscore the urgent need for policymakers to focus on lifelong and life-wide learning, ensuring that education and training systems are more adaptive to evolving demands. Declines in literacy and numeracy proficiency were particularly evident among the least educated segments of the population. This led to a widening gap in skills proficiency between highly and low-educated adults in the majority of the participating countries and economies.”