The Innovative Approach and Success Factors of Microcredentials and Individual Learning Accounts
Farkas, E (2024). The Innovative Approach and Success Factors of Microcredentials and Individual Learning Accounts. Lifelong Lifewide Learning V. 22. N. 45. 8-21.
The micro-credentials and individual learning account represent a significantly different approach to existing training and funding systems as they both focus on the individual and their targeted skills development. Micro-credentials combined with individual learning account can serve as an effective demand-side incentive for individuals and employers, establishing the way for a more inclusive and adaptable adult learning and education ecosystem by promoting a culture of personalised skill development and reducing funding barriers.
The article aims to capture the key innovative features of micro-credentials and individual learning account and summarises the building blocks and success criteria that provide a solid foundation for effective introduction and implementation of micro-credentials and individual learning accounts.